Monday 6 December 2010

OK, at this stage i went back to the pay point and added some materials, first i added a wood plank material to the ouside of the paypoint, the same material that was used for the benches, just scaled to make it look bigger, another wood panel texture was used for the back and front of the building.

The window frames were changed to a light blue/turquoise colour.

The fenses were created on photoshop, a fense texture was found, the background was blacked out and was used as a material, this made the background invisible so the fense is see through. i decided to add the frame of the fense in after, becasue it was difficult to see, this has a black metal material added.

a "way in" and "way out" sign was added to the gates, this was created by extruding upwards from the top of the fense frame, and a text object being used to create the writing, then using editable poly and extruding it slightly, i was able to add the text to the fense frame.

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