Thursday 9 December 2010

If i had more time...

my Pier and church models are massive files and rendering for the pier took 64 hours, and the church took 38 hours, if i had 1 extra week, i would re-render these as i made the corrections.

for the pier, i would have moved the sky, dueing the first render, during the gizmo i used a shere, this left a large line in the sky, these shows in the render, after the correction i rendered the few frames that showed the line, however the sea changed because it is reflective and as does the sky.

i would have also changed the camera, as it stands it spends a small amount of time on pritty much every part of the model, i would have changed this so it spent a small amount at the end, zoomed along the long it and did 1 orbit of the entrance, i would imagin this would have taken around 20-30 second.

for the church, i would have added the photo of the next scene to the photo frame inside the church, i forgot to add this and instead bobby had to add it in via after effects, this didn't look as good as it could have been.

another part, is the size of the scenary, i have made the scene bigger and was ready to render it again on Monday but was told not to, just incase we ran out of time, my "Church11" file has the corrections on this.

with Laboworth Cafe, i would have changed the sky, and used a bl;ue sky, rather then a sunset one, i believe tghis is the cause for the sea turning purple in places, the plane the sea is on is actually blue (255 blue, 0 red, 0 green) so it should not have changed to purple. Because the sky is a browny colour, whihc contains some red, i belive this is what changes the colour to purple. i would have had to change the sky for the Pier aswell.

Also, during the animation, when the camera goes through the doors, it looks around the inside of the cafe far to quickly, i tried slowing this down in Adobe Premier, i tried reducing the speed for this part down to 50%, but this also reduced the FPS to 15, making it very jumpy, because of this, the speed was returned to 100%

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